Tuesday, July 14, 2020

My Morning Walk

Yesterday and today have been delightful with cool mornings and sunshine. I sat on my front porch for 90 minutes yesterday while my cleaning lady worked inside; then my husband and I ate lunch sitting on the porch, too.

I started today out by removing the brown foliage left from my daffodils (still a few green ones left) and clipping some hydrangeas from my neighbor's bushes. This will be my last time to create a bouquet this summer as I don't want to take advantage of her generosity.
I walked to the pond and back around to my condo, enjoying flowers in the neighborhood.

My own yard has a few new things opening.

I haven't killed the flowers on the front porch yet, except the dark purple flowers with the verbena and petunias wilted away. They were very sensitive to heat and drying soil and didn't do well in our 90 degree days. The geranium had many beautiful blooms, but right now it is mostly in a resting period. I gave it some plant food, and I think it will have new flowers before too long.  
Mostly quiet days for us as we continue to worship online Sundays rather than in-person. Several of our church members are going through hard times with cancer treatment and surgeries. The state of Indiana is setting up a drive-thru Covid-19 testing site in nearby Warsaw for the next 2 weeks. We qualify by age and for me because of asthma but since the labs processing the tests seem somewhat overwhelmed and slow in giving results, I don't see any reason to clog the process up more when we have no reason to be tested. We have not been mingling in groups. We wear masks and keep our distance when out, too. We feel well.

I am doing lots of reading of the fiction books on my ipad. When I worked in the Grace Village library and downloaded free books to its Kindles, I would add copies to my own Kindle app on my ipad. I have several dozen waiting to be read. I am glad I "stocked up" over the past few years. I finished The Ice Cutter's Daughter by Tracie Peterson (which is also on the shelf in the GV library) and last night started on Pepper in the Gumbo (forget the author) about a young woman who inherited a bookstore and who is a bit of a Luddite. She did recently join a book discussion group on the internet and unknown to her the anonymous owner/moderator has just rented her empty apartment above the store; except he is building a video game store down the street from her shop and she is in full battle mode not knowing he is the same person who runs the book group. A romance book set in a bookshop in Louisiana should be interesting.

We will be heating up in the 90's again the rest of the week. Having an enjoyable book to read in the AC in my condo sounds good.

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