Saturday, October 24, 2015

Operation Christmas Child 2015

Time to fill your Operation Christmas Child box. Haven’t started yet? There is still time as the National Collection Week is November 16-23.


I packed mine for a girl 10-14 years old. I will pay the $7 shipping online in order to track where the box ends up. I was pleased to see in the video my church played for us that there were older children featured this time, not just the small cute giggly ones. Make a joyful impact on a child.



Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Neighborhood Autumn Stroll

With such nice weather, I set out this afternoon with camera in hand to capture the glorious colors of autumn. About half-way through the walk, clouds gusted in and I lost the sun and the brilliant hues. I am going to grill brats this evening; plenty warm enough to cook on the patio. Ah! I see the sun appearing again, but too late as I need to work on supper. Well, let me take a couple more shots right out my patio door.


Lots of ups and downs this fall. A lily puts up a late bloom, but it can’t compete with the maple tree.


The back of my condo. I am standing on my neighbor’s lawn. Other than buying a mum for the front porch, I have not gotten into the fall decorating spirit, but many neighbors have.

I would say we are now at peak color.

The area around the pond doesn’t seem as colorful, but that is when the sun went behind the gray clouds.

My favorite time of year!





Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Fall Drive

Last Friday we drove to Teels Restaurant in Mentone for breakfast. Since that took us about halfway to Culver, Indiana, we decided to drive west through the countryside. I had hoped to see lots of pretty trees, but we were probably a week too early.

 We stopped briefly at Culver Military Academy and walked around the grounds but not into any of the buildings. This private college preparatory school attracts young men and women from all around the world as it has a reputation for creating leaders.


  They still had the piers in Lake Maxinkuckee. We walked out on them to view the campus and lake together.

We only saw 3-4 students walking around.

We drove through the edge of town and part way down Main Street, then headed east toward home.