Thursday, January 26, 2017

Category 1 of KonMari Method Finished


In the KonMari method of decluttering and organizing, the 1st category is clothing and accessories. I have completed that. Because I am “tidying forever”, i.e., I cull things over time, I didn’t have much to discard. I took 8 items of clothing to Goodwill and threw away 2. In her book, Marie Kondo talks about her clients taking multiple garbage bags of clothes to donate. I guess I am not like her typical client. In fact, this is one of the differences I have with Ms. Kondo. I think it is OK to tidy “forever” (ongoing) rather than doing a big complete purging in 6 months time. According to her way of thinking, I will miss out on some of the magic.

I did surprise myself with one item. I had in the back of my mind that I would get rid of a vest I have had for a long time, but when I held it as she instructs, it did “spark joy” so it is staying.

I have found it helpful to ask the spark joy question in other areas. I received some nice oven mitts for Christmas. When I made room for them in the kitchen drawer, I asked that question of other pot holders I had in the drawer. I took 4 of them to Give ‘N Take, and threw away two really old ones.

Also, when I hung the new picture in my bedroom last week, I asked myself if the picture I was replacing (and owned for over 30 years) sparked joy. It did not, so it went with the clothes to Goodwill.

The next category is books. We own a lot of books. The good part is that half of them are my husband’s thus off-limits to my project re Marie Kondo. The bad part is that she wants you to spread all of your books on the floor and hold each one asking the “spark joy” question. You can do them by subcategory if you have lots of books. I think my problem area is going to be cookbooks. Any way, I don’t have time to do the books for another couple of weeks at least.

The 3rd category is paper (not including love letters and cards, sentimental items). Here I will probably really bog down. Ms. Kondo says “Paper never inspires joy.” So, how do I decide what to discard? Get rid of as much as you can, she says. She would get rid of all of it, but she admits you have to keep certain documents.

The 4th category is miscellaneous. There is a Japanese word that encompasses this stuff and is probably better understood by that culture. She gives examples of subcategories like makeup, kitchen implements, etc. As you might guess, it is very broad but if you use her subcategory order, you still have some direction to keep you from floundering.

I would say the Kondo mindset is helpful, but I don’t think I will ever stop culling over time. I do feel like I am getting rid of things that didn’t contribute joy to my life, but mostly I already like the things I have.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Windows 10 Photo App


A few days ago I wanted to sort thru some of my photos with the idea of deleting some of them. I have an old Microsoft Pictures program that I generally use for editing individual photos and creating albums. I noticed in the list of Windows 10 apps one called Photo. I decided to see what it does. I like it for getting a general idea of what photos I added in the past months. When it comes up, it displays something called Collections by timeline. The photos added display sort of like a mosaic. I can quickly see which photos I no longer want to keep.

With my other pictures program, I would have to open each folder and view the photos inside. This newer app doesn’t have them by storage folder so I get a whole new perspective on the photos. One can click on an individual photo to see a bigger view, but the general mosaic display is nice and bright and clear and good-sized. I can delete easily, too. I am enjoying seeing my photos in a different way.

This app does have some enhancing and editing modules. Except for rotating a few photos, I haven’t tried those yet. What programs or apps do you use with your photos?

Friday, January 6, 2017

Are You Ready?


I’ll be flying into Fort Lauderdale Airport in a few weeks. My peace lies in Jesus. I don’t want to die, but I know if I am shot dead by an act of terror, I will go to heaven. How about you?

I flew about 10 days after the 9-11 attacks on a plane maybe 1/3 full. I could have canceled without penalty, but I chose to continue with my plans.

I flew out of Chicago O’Hare about 2 weeks after a crash there. On take-off I could see the spot where the plane had crashed and burned not far from the airport.

I am not a brave person, but I rest in the peace and love of God. My days are in His hands. Jesus calls you to come to Him, to give Him your burdens and anxieties. Don’t wait. These are days of uncertainty and insecurity in our world. Don’t put your confidence in the wrong place or person.