Friday, July 31, 2020

"Drought" Ending?

I am happy to tell you that I found the 2-liter Caffeine-Free Diet Pepsi in my "old" store. With masks mandated I decided to go back to my Kroger-owned grocery store with the skinny aisles. I had done online ordering with pickup twice, and that Pepsi order was never filled. I did notice that with masks on, people make no attempt at social distancing except at the check-out line. I also found cups of Stauffer macaroni. The store-brand paper towels were not available, but there was plenty of Bounty. Not an abundance of toilet paper, but enough to meet demand apparently.

I went to Kohl's today to use some Kohl's dollars my husband earned. I bought some towels and a small roller bag that would fit under the seat of an airplane. When I showed the bag to my husband, he laughed and said it's not safe to fly. That's true, but on my last trip to California I noticed the ancient shoulder bag I used as carry-on was falling apart. I decided the replacement would definitely have wheels. This bag was 60% off plus another 20% Friends and Family discount. I can dream that I will travel again someday, and I'll be ready.

I found 4 paperback novels at Goodwill. I donated some games and jigsaw puzzles. That closet looks so much better. 

When rummaging around in the drawer under the telephone this afternoon I realized what a mess it is. That will be the next project.

As I gazed out my den window while using the computer this morning I noticed a big bright bloom. The hibiscus/mallow plant the landscaper planted last fall has lots of buds and 1 open bloom. Nature keeps me grounded in reliability. It moves along to the tempo of the seasons as though nothing horrible is happening. 

Grace Village added ESPN Marquee station to our line-up. My husband will be able to watch a Cubs game tonight. Little by little some normality is creeping back. It's going to be a long haul though before we accept the long-term pandemic changes to our lives.

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