Wednesday, February 12, 2020


One of the recent volunteers to work in Grace Village library doing shelving sings with me in the choir. After practice on the 4th, she told me about the travails of one of the other volunteers. That lady worked with me previously and had offered to do the "cataloging" when I retired. She was busy getting her mother to move into an assisted-living apartment; on February 2nd her mother seriously injured her leg which required surgery on the 3rd and a hospital stay.

A week or so after I stepped down from working in the library, I noticed that someone had left 3 large sets of Guidepost fiction. There were other donations accumulating as well. With Christmas travel and activities, the cataloger was unable to work much in the library.

On February 4th I went with my fellow choir member to see what materials were sitting on the bookcart awaiting processing. The cart was full, with one of the shelves double rowed. I told the new librarian I would come catalog some of those on Friday the 7th. I didn't quite finish one of the Guidepost sets; so I spent about 40 minutes this Tuesday completing that cataloging. Now the cart has about 20 books, only the other 2 Guidepost sets, that need processing. They take up one row of the 3-row bookcart. A big improvement. I learned that afternoon that the injured mother who had been in rehab for 4-5 days, was admitted to the hospital again.

I don't mind helping out in a situation like this if I have time to spend in the library. It took the stress off of the cataloger so she could focus on her mother. But I must say I don't miss working in the library on a regular basis.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020


We are expecting snow tonight and tomorrow though not a large amount. I bought some daffodils to cheer things up once the real sun is hidden by clouds.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

A List

Our nephew and his family from Detroit were to arrive yesterday for supper. After a visit, we planned to get them settled into the guestroom over on the main campus. He called about 9 a.m. to let us know his 3-year-old daughter was sick, and they would not be coming. 

Since I now had unexpected free time in the evening, I browsed thru my composition book of notes from books about writing and the exercises I had penned. 

One of those exercises was to list 10 items that held emotional weight or meaning. I wrote my list about 4 years ago. Aside from a few of my mom's things I brought home after her funeral, overall the list would remain the same.

1. Diamond wedding ring set--38 years [now 42] of the ups and downs of marriage. I picked it out; romantic and old-fashioned. Still love it.

2. "Life scrapbook"--Corraling all the documents, certificates, bits and pieces of ephemera in one place. Deep down probably an effort to leave a record of me.

3. Blue/purple/pinkish bead necklace and earrings--My first attempt at beading. A connection with Jeanette who taught me, and with the other church ladies who learned with me.

4. Willow Tree Nativity--Rustic style suits me; separate pieces allowed me to leave out magi who were not at the stable. Remembering my Savior's birth.

5. Folder of decorating pictures [now grown to 8 folders!]--Clarifying my tastes. A lot of unfulfilled wishes but also vicarious enjoyment.

6. Gratitude/happiness journal--Way to focus on positives of daily life, not negatives which would be my natural tendency.

7. Miniatures in printer's drawer/box--Years of travel and good times.

8. ipad--Willingness to move beyond malfunctioning Nook; a way to get on with it. Made a financial commitment after disappointing loss, taking a risk on another device. Connecting to home when away, an umbilical cord to home.

9. Knitted dish cloths--Getting through tough time after foot surgery in productive way by learning how to knit. Distraction from pain. 

10. Collection of digital photos--Beauty. Enough to make Power Point slide show, a new but creative endeavor for me.

What would your list include?