Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Disappearing Products

For the past month I have been unable to find certain items to purchase. Even when using the online order and pickup option, these items have not been available. I could order them online, but they were always unfulfilled. 

When in Meijer last week, the Pepsi product rep was stocking the shelves. I asked about 2 liter Diet Caffeine Free Pepsi. He told me they were not making it currently, and he didn't expect it to return to shelves for months. He did have a 6-pack of smaller bottles. Today at a different grocery store I noticed they don't even have those. I can't drink caffeine in the evening without disrupting my sleep. The main time I drink Pepsi is with pizza Sunday evenings. 

I also have been searching for low-acid orange juice. I am down to my last bottle and a half. I cannot drink regular orange juice without having reflux and/or heart burn. I drank the fresh-squeezed OJ on my Panama Canal cruise and had to take Tums all morning.

I had read in the newspaper that food companies were focusing on the most popular items they sell. No, those two products are probably not the best-sellers since they fill a niche, but an important niche since without them many people will not be able to imbibe in their products at all. 

What products do you usually buy that are now no longer in the stores? I will miss my Pepsi and orange juice when I run out of what I have. I may still be able to buy the Pepsi in the smaller version; the problem is I will probably start hoarding it which will cause problems for other shoppers. It is the toilet paper crisis all over again.


  1. I looked on the shelves at Harris Teeter today and they had big bottles of Pepsi diet caffeine free here in Charlotte.

  2. I will keep looking around at my stores then. Maybe Pepsi is producing more kinds again.

  3. It could be regional?
