Thursday, April 2, 2020

Still Here

It has been quiet around here. Today I did have some human-to-human interaction (from a safe distance) besides my husband.

I went to the grocery store this morning. The employees are wearing masks now and there are "sneeze guards" between the checkout clerk and the customer. I saw several older people wearing masks as they shopped. I used my disinfectant wipe to open freezer and dairy doors. The clerk told me if I wanted to use my cloth bags I would have to bag everything myself so I told her the plastic is OK. *No* toilet paper again.

 On the way home I passed a Walgreen's. They had some tp. I really only needed to buy one package, but since the sign said limit of 2, I went ahead and bought a second package since it is so hard to find and we will now be staying home more days. When I bought my two packages of Charmin, there were only two left on the shelf, but at least a dozen packages of other brands. 

I am thinking of doing an online order for pick up at Martin's grocery store around the 15th. I will only have contact with one person who brings the items to the car. Several of my neighbors are no longer going to the grocery store, just ordering online. 

This afternoon we have sunshine and 57 degrees temp. I opened a few windows to let some fresh air in. I took a walk around my neighborhood. I talked with 5 neighbors biking, walking, or sitting on the porch. As I am typing this, I see a few others out walking. Daffodils are blooming in several places. Mine have slivers of yellow so should be open in another few days.
 I had a springtime surprise this year. Those of you who have been reading my blog posts for a while know that I gave up on crocus after several attempts because an animal (rabbit?) kept eating not only the blooms but the foliage. I used nets, but as soon as the blooms were done and I removed the netting, the plants would be nibbled to the ground. The foliage comes up from the last planting 3-4 years ago but never blooms. Well this year I have one purple bloom.

Those red tulips I mentioned in an earlier post now fill the whole plant. 

We have 5 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in our county, but more are expected. My nephew who lives in Detroit has felt the effects directly. He has been furloughed from his job. His girl friend's mother died last Saturday in Beaumont Hospital from the virus. This deceased woman had underlying health problems. Unfortunately, she had no visitors allowed in the hospital, and her daughter was unable to have a Jewish funeral for her. So sad. Most of the funeral homes in our area allow a small gathering of immediate family at a graveside service, but some families choose to plan a memorial service when circumstances permit later. My pastor's daughter postponed her big wedding. Her father will administer the vows privately (if the county clerk's office reopens so she can get a license). She hopes to have a big celebration in the future. 

Keep safe during these difficult times.

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