Thursday, May 23, 2024

More Beauty


The pink peony I had from my backdoor neighbor started dropping petals earlier this week. Since her flowers are almost past the peak, I felt a little melancholy about throwing it out. I even put the petals in a bowl for an additional day of having the lovely aroma. 

This morning my cleaning lady arrived with 3 darker pink/fuchsia blooms clutched in her hand. A gift for me. How sweet. 

I need some perking up. My degenerative spinal problems continue to progress. I saw this afternoon the ortho doctor that did my cervical spine surgery. I thought about returning to the doctor that did my lumbar laminectomy about a year ago. He comes across as a gruff bear, and I am not in the mood to be a patient of a gruff bear. My X-rays today showed not only the scoliosis (which I have known about for 2 years), but lateral listhesis, i.e., at one level of the lower spine I now have a vertebra that has slid/twisted sideways so it does not align with the ones adjacent. This misalignment is painful. I will be scheduled for a CT scan, then meet with this ortho doc to discuss options. I am very limited in my standing time and walking distance.

The Grace Village vocal choir gave its spring concert last Tuesday night. You can view it here. Spring choir concert It is about an hour long.

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