Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Something New (AI), Something Old (Shaker boxes)

 This afternoon after lunch I went to sit in on the Men's Round Table presentation by Winona IT, the company that oversees Grace Village's computers and network. The topic was AI (artificial intelligence). They had opened the talk to other than those eating the lunch. 

I didn't learn very much. It was sort of a general talk about AI using Chat GPT as the example. I did ask if Copilot that had appeared on my computer in a beta form from Google is AI. He said yes it is. I have had no interest in playing around with Copilot. 

Yesterday I walked into my living room just as the sun was shining through the skylight on the Shaker boxes my husband had made. It looked like a spotlight. At first, I didn't like these boxes finished with milk paint as well as the ones left natural, but I have grown rather fond of them. I see from the photo that I probably need to get on a ladder to get rid of cobwebs. LOL.

I like being retired and at home during the day to enjoy the play of light in my condo as the day progresses. 

I just started Madeleine L'Engel's book Circle of Quiet on my tablet. It was mentioned in an ebook by Emily P. Freeman. I do use some "modern" modes of information. Not too sure I will ever embrace AI though.

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