Saturday, December 4, 2021


 I made some changes this year in my Christmas decorations. The sleigh with the bears that sat on the entry table has been moved to the den. I have it sitting on a runner that I bought at the estate sale of my neighbor who died after brain surgery. The sleigh and the cedar chest were made by my husband.

For several years I have purchased a pink/pinkish poinsettia, but this year I went with the traditional red.

Since the Christmas bears are now in the den, I needed something different for the entry table. I set out the candle holders I have used there, but in-between them is the angel that I used to put on the top of my tree. I now have a small tree that she would overwhelm so though I put the angel on top of my china cabinet a few times, this year she is sitting on a little red Christmas towel I bought at the Guenther House gift shop in the King William district of San Antonio.

Yesterday we drove to Fort Wayne to dine and to shop. At Trader Joe's I didn't see any amaryllis like last year; I bought a paper white narcissus instead. It has some sunshine bathing it today, but next week will be rainy/snowy.

 Another new item is a pillow also from my neighbor's estate sale. I suppose this could be displayed at other times of the year since it doesn't have Christmas colors. It is a nice size for the glider loveseat. 

Do you like this font? It is called Montserrat. I first used it in the Thankgiving post. I think it is very easy to read. I may switch to it for a while. 

I am not pleased with how things are trending. Our county is seeing quite an increase in COVID cases, including the staff at Grace Village. The GV staff is tested twice a week so the 8 positives may not be sick, just carrying the virus. The chaplain has been very ill.

Yesterday when I stopped at AAA at Northcrest Mall, the employee told me she had no travel guides for Florida except the Panhandle. She instructed me to go to the web site. I really wanted a paper issue so I could mark the restaurants and places that interested me.

I ended up taking some guides for Indiana, Ohio, Michigan because she told me when those in stock were gone there would be no more. They are not going to print the guides; they will be digital only. She did have some maps for me: Florida and one for Daytona Beach where we will arrive via plane. 

This morning I went to my local Walgreens to pick up my online order. The clerks could not find it. I showed them the email I had received that said it was ready for picking up. Finally, they checked the tracking and it showed the product is in Memphis Tennessee and won't come until probably next Tuesday. I am not sure I would try ordering online again. I did the online order because this product has not been in stock at my store for over a month and it was on sale.

There are shipping delays galore. The jeans my husband ordered from Kohl's on November 24th still has not arrived. The FedEx tracker said it would arrive November 29th. Of course with the holiday, I figured it would be a little longer. They transferred the package to the U.S. postal service, but actually it sat in Indianapolis for almost a week at FedEx before it was transferred December 3rd. 

I did have a good outcome with the gifts I ordered online from Costco. The Monday after Thanksgiving they shipped and took 2 days for the ones going to California, 3 days for the North Carolina destination. 

Fortunately, we don't have an urgent need for the things that are taking a long time. The important shipments were the Christmas gifts and they have been delivered. Hope your online shopping has not been like ours. Bonne chance. 

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