Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Christmas Is Coming

 Christmas is coming. I felt like playing with my camera settings tonight. Here are the results of my "shoot". Many of these items I have owned for decades. Some were gifts, some wooden items made by my husband, quite a few I bought on Etsy or ebay when looking for specific things.

I bought these little bears at a Hallmark store in Texas. Then I asked my husband to build a sleigh from a pattern in one of his magazines. The plaid runner was a souvenir from the Amana colonies. The wrought iron candle holders made by my father.

My oldest sister gave me this little pillow years ago. I wonder if she remembers it.

The 4 poinsettia plates are more recent, maybe 3 years. I bought these on ebay. I was looking for plates for my plate rack, but these were a bargain compared to other plates. I don't think the seller knew much about pricing compared to other listings. He sold the set for what other sellers were selling a single plate for. We will probably eat breakfast on them this Sunday and maybe some dessert on Christmas Day.

Our new tree with colored Christmas lights.

As of yesterday there are several wrapped packages. I wanted to finish my wrapping; my husband saw them and decided to do his too. All finished.

The Moose Munch stash under the tree on the table top. What is left of it; I already ate a couple of bags and 2 of the bars with my husband's help on the bars.

I bought this at Bronner's in Frankenmuth, Michigan. My sister-in-law was going to take me and her 2 kids to shop. The kids got earaches so I went by myself while my husband and his brother went to  a Thanksgiving Lions football game.
I like the folk art feel. The shepherd with his Bavarian outfit doesn't fit the time frame but I like him.
The "sick" kids are married with kids of their own, one graduated from U of M last spring and the other attending U of M. My nephew got a late start; his little girl is about 5. Still you can see this creche is very old. Fortunately it is small and doesn't take much storage space.

Most of my ornaments are from when we lived in Mesquite Texas. We moved from there in 2007.

I bought this our first or second year of marriage. (We have been married 43 years.) It was an item at the seminary wives Christmas craft bazaar.

I admired my mom's tissue holder. She asked my cousin who did the plastic canvas stitching to make one for me the following Christmas.

This table cloth I bought on Etsy. I asked the seller to measure across so I could see how the design would fit on my sunporch table. It's a perfect fit. I went with a pinkish poinsettia again this year.

Most of these plates were purchased on ebay. If I downsize down the road I might keep the one with the deer and definitely keep the top plate which is a Marjolein Bastin.

This is the Bastin plate I love.

This beautiful plate was one my father bought from Franklin Mint or one of those "collectible" companies. He never used/displayed it. I still have the box. I found most of his plates sold for a few dollars if at all on ebay. I kept this one for myself.

My husband made this snowman.

Another snowman by my husband. He is a good woodworker.

The holly runner was made by by sister-in-law B. I love it. Aren't the wooden button berries and leaf cute?

I would like another shepherd to add to my Willow Tree creche. They do have one holding a crook and with a goat. I looked on ebay this year; too much money. Maybe after Christmas the prices will go down? I will just keep watching to find one that fits my budget. If not, this shepherd and 3 lambs (one out of the picture) will do fine.


I finished today a Macomber Christmas romance. I read one about a week ago also. These were books I bought at the library book sales or Goodwill. This one is more of a devotional. Since I finished my online devotionals and Bible studies Monday, I will give this one a try.

Is your house starting to look festive? 

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