Thursday, May 9, 2019

Bouquets and beds

The bouquet the literary club hostess gave me a week ago Wednesday is still pretty. Maybe even prettier because the hot pink buds opened fully. What do you think looking at the two photos? I am enjoying them so much. I can't believe how long they have lasted.

My quince bush is full of blooms, too. The fothergilla bush has bottle-bush type of "blooms" which are turning from green to white.

I saw while driving last week a bush of lilacs and red bud trees flowering . The apple trees also have blooms about ready to burst into full color.

It has been rainy today. It poured when I drove to my Silver Sneakers class this morning. My umbrella wasn't much help because of the wind-blown slanty rain.

My Silver Sneakers instructor had surgery on her rotator cuff two weeks ago. Various people have been substituting, but we are doing hardly anything similar to what we did previously. After next week, I will have Mondays and Wednesdays free; I think I will attend the Enhance Fit class instead of the Tuesday/Thursday Silver Sneakers for a few months until the original teacher has recuperated and is back. She made the class interesting and fun. 

Last Saturday I bought a twin bed to replace my queen bed. It should arrive next week sometime. For the past 2 years I have been buying twin-sized bedding on sale in anticipation of this change. I took some discolored and worn queen sheets to the animal shelter. I have a few better sets I will take to Good Will, maybe tomorrow.

It has been a time of changes. My husband is having a tool sale Saturday. He is downsizing a bit. He already sold the drill press even before the sale. A few years ago he sold some kind of measuring tool my father had given him on our neighborhood garage sale. It was more for metal workers. (My father was a sheet metal machinist.) The man who bought it lives at the end of our block; he gave it to his grandson in Michigan. Now he has bought the drill press which also came from my father. My husband used it some, but again it is more for metal than wood workers. If the big saw also sells, we should have more room in the garage. My husband is keeping many hand tools though.

Yesterday I went to the Mother's Day Tea in the dining room at Grace Village. When I arrived home, my husband asked me what kind of tea they served. They didn't serve any! We had punch or water to drink. Little finger sandwiches and bon bons and fruit cup and lots of deviled eggs. People took 2 or 3 eggs, but even so when my table went through the buffet line (we were next to last), there were still beaucoup eggs on the trays. The program was a mother/daughter duo sharing about their fun of finding plants to make 15 gardens on their acreage. So, I guess you could call it a garden party rather than a tea party.

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