Saturday, June 29, 2013

A Walk Around the Neighborhood

We finally have a cooler spell after some hot days. I took a walk around my neighborhood to appreciate the many beautiful flowers.  

I didn’t have to walk far for these; these belong to my next-door neighbor.


    Things are looking green and lush after intermittent thunder showers. 

The Stella de oro lilies were planted by Grace Village and most of the condos have some.

Quite a few climbing flowers in the neighborhood as well.


This house is not part of GV but across the street. I would have loved to trespass and get closer shots.

Another non-GV property. Ready for Independence Day celebration.


These folks have a start of a vegetable garden.

About half of the neighborhood residents fly the US flag.

More lilies and hostas which also were planted by the retirement village.

The small maple tree is unusual as it would require special permission to plant something like that so close to the house.

 With the cooler weather, I am going to try baking a rhubarb cake. This is a new recipe for me. The photo looks more like a coffee-cake texture. I have some frozen rhubarb which I am going to try. The recipe calls for fresh so I hope my efforts aren’t for naught.


  1. landscaping in your neighborhood is beautiful. My hydrangeas are looking lovely right now. How did the rhubarb cake turn out? I've got some in my freezer. By the way, I clicked on the button for the next blog by mistake and the lady has wonderful-looking bags she makes. : )

  2. The blog that comes up is random so I hope you bookmarked whatever blog with the bags that you liked.
