Saturday, June 29, 2024

I'm Back

 As the temperatures moderate some, we have been able to do some things outside. Yesterday we ate lunch at the Channel Marker in Syracuse. We sat on the covered porch. 

I was in the hospital in Fort Wayne from June 14-June 18. I had a blood infection and other after-effects from a June 13 myelogram. A midline IV was installed in my right arm so I could come home and do infusions of antibiotics. I have to flush the line with saline twice a day, but I am done infusing the medicine. A home nurse will come Monday morning and take out the line. I will see the NP at the infectious disease doctor's office in Fort Wayne on July 16th. Hopefully, soon all of this will be behind me. 

The myelogram showed several problems with my spine that are probably causing the pain. The ortho doctor would like to discuss surgery, but first I have to be free of the infection. I want to pursue steroid injections and possibly ablation before submitting to any surgery. 

I am also having trouble with prolapsed pelvic organs. I have been told I probably won't be able to see a urogynecologist until November so it is going to be a long wait to even make decisions re fixing that. 

I am trying to get back into the routine of meal planning and preparation. At first, I had little appetite, but that has gotten better. Chocolate did not interest me at all. That is unusual.  My husband will grill burgers this evening.

 Tonight the town of Winona Lake will shoot off fireworks. I am not sure I will be able to stay awake until 10:30 to look for them out my condo windows. I tire easily still.

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