Tuesday, June 11, 2024


 While my sister was here for a few days she asked me how many pairs of earrings I owned. I said 25, then thought a moment and upped it to 30 counting the bead earrings I had made.

Today I looked them over; I didn't specifically take them out and count them, but I made a rough count. I have about 40 pairs of earrings. Considerably more than I thought. I probably only wear about half of them on a regular basis. They don't take up much space so I have never decluttered them. I have given away a few pairs the past 2-3 years, and I sometimes lose one of the pair or one breaks. 

I have some that work with certain colors in my wardrobe: pink, purple, blue, red. Most of them are metal though so are neutral. 

How many do you own?

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