Sunday, August 23, 2020


I've felt emotional lately. This morning Warsaw Community Church's online service had two praise songs I knew. I found as I started singing along, I choked up. It has been so long since I have worshipped through music with others as a body. I have missed that. Most Sundays I watch the praise group, but since I don't know the songs, I just observe.

Then this afternoon as I watched on TV the prelude to the Indy 500 where they had a segment with people involved with the race in specific seats of long-time fans telling them by name how much they were missed. For a lot of Hoosiers they have a long streak of attendance that will now be broken. It drove home to me just how much things are different, how many things have been "lost" in this pandemic year. No matter how hard we try to do "substitutions" or offer replacements, things are profoundly changed. 

My husband and I bought KFC chicken around noon and sat by Pike Lake for our lunch. It is in the 80's and somewhat humid but there was a nice breeze. Watched 4 people fishing; didn't see any of them catch anything. 

My portulaca loves heat. Averaging 70-80 blooms the past few days. I could see as I bent over them to take the photo that
many of the flowers were full of pollen. I was surprised there were no bees. Our shorter daylight hours mean the moss roses open up later in the morning and stay open into early afternoon now. The orangey ones are really more pink than they appear.
This morning a humming bird checked out the mauve Veronica stalks but found them not good food sources. That's the first hummer I've seen this summer. 

Tomorrow I will get some more sweet corn to eat with our grilled portobello mushroom "burgers". The local sweet corn harvest will be done in a few weeks; no more until next summer. In some ways I am ready for autumn, my favorite season, but I have enjoyed the summer produce.

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