Saturday, November 9, 2019

A Bit Hard Right Now

Sometimes life can throw you some curve balls. Friday afternoon we received notice from Grace Village that the well water to which the condos are hooked up tested positive for too much coliform (bacteria). The level is unacceptable for human consumption. We are under a boil water order. Any water we use for cooking, drinking, washing fruits and vegetables, brushing our teeth must be boiled or alternatively we can use bottled water. Because my dishwasher has a sanitizer rinse option, I have been told I can clean my dishes that way. Otherwise, I have to put dishes washed with tap water in a tub of rinse water to which bleach has been added, then air dry. Likewise fresh fruits and vegetables can be soaked in a weak bleach and water solution. Daily life has suddenly become much harder.

We had to do this for 4 days previously when a part in the well water system broke. This time we have to do it for 7-8 days. The governmental authorities who must certify the water is once again potable don't work on the weekend nor on a holiday (Veteran's Day). They won't even look at the results of Grace Village's efforts until Tuesday at the earliest; there is a 3-day period of retesting until we will be given the OK. 

Thursday I went to the Physical Therapy Department at the Parkview medical complex off of Dupont Road in Fort Wayne. The last time I went to Women's Health Advantage pelvic rehab I was feeling so bad I told her I didn't want to continue with what we had been doing. It seemed to be making things worse, not better. I asked if she had any other options or suggestions. She did not. She referred me to Parkview. 

I told the pelvic therapist at Parkview about what had been tried. She asked about symptoms. I wasn't too surprised when she suggested we needed to focus on relaxing my pelvic floor. She did a very thorough exam which backed up her first impression. No more Kegals for me; no more electrical stimulation. Those two modalities were nice in that they didn't take much time, but they are not right for me. The sets of pelvic exercises at home will be time consuming. Some of these exercises are like the ones on the sheet I received from the previous rehab therapist, except she would say I could try them but didn't really need to do them. I will also do some massaging. I am supposed to do a tension check of my body several times a day; if I feel tense anywhere I am to lie down and do some diaphragmatic breathing. 

Certainly having to follow a boil water order is not conducive to calmness. I may be lying down a lot in the next week to combat stress.

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