Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Through My Windows

The view from my southern windows is this house with a garden. I of course went closer to take the photo. Sunflowers and maturing vegetables all signs of late summer.

However, school starts next week for our district. Out my western windows I can see the maple tree which is always the first to display color changes in my neighborhood. Our thoughts already turn toward autumn. 
Out my den window I can see the portulaca (moss rose) blooms. The new growth finally overcame all of the pooling and flooding water. Lots of pretty colorful flowers now.
You can tell the grass is rather dry. We haven't had significant rain in several weeks; there is a sprinkler system, but it has been used only minimally this summer. We do not control its usage nor timing.

We have new neighbors moving into the other end of our quadplex. From what we learned yesterday at the neighborhood monthly lunch, the husband has Alzheimer's. Always a disappointment to realize that interactions will have limitations. Our new neighbor across the street also has some kind of dementia. Almost impossible to carry on a coherent conversation with him. Though I am sure it is a comfort to the wives to not have to worry about maintenance and yard work, it is a shame people wait until they are unable to be actively involved with their neighbors to move to Grace Village condos.

The Farm where we bought our sweetcorn is no longer growing any. The owners retired and sold the property. We have had some OK corn from Sweetcorn Charlie's stand and even from the grocery stores, but nothing like the Ambrosia corn we had grown to love. Saturday I plan to go to the Plymouth Farmers' Market. Maybe there will be some good corn sold there. I should stock up on zucchini as well so I can grate and freeze some to make bread once it is a little cooler. There should still be several weeks of tomatoes and squashes and peppers even at the Warsaw market. Not rushing autumn, but I can feel it creeping nearer.

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