Saturday, April 6, 2019

Touches of Yellow

With rain predicted for tomorrow, I took advantage of the sunshine and 65 degrees this afternoon to walk over to the pond. As I walked, I looked for signs of spring.

One of the first houses I passed had daffodils in bloom!
It turned out they were not alone as I saw a few others also. Many daffodils had a bare touch of yellow at the tip. They should open next week.

In front of Grace Village, the daffodils were not yet open, but signs of activity in the forsythia showed.

I didn't get as many photos as I intended because I was joined by a chatty walking companion. An elderly woman was raking up leaves along the side of her house. She stopped and walked out to the road and asked if she could join me on my walk. Sure, why not?

Carolyn carried on a conversation with little input from me. She has been widowed 19 years. She is 79 years old. She was a teacher in several places and at several levels as an adult. At Malone College in Ohio she was called Schultzy, a nickname that carried over into her first job. I did mention the big tree that had blown over on top of her backyard shed in heavy winds in early March. She shared that she had scheduled someone to come look at the tree with the intention of having it taken down later that week. This was before the wind storm. She praised God that the insurance paid for the removal and she didn't have to pay anything. 

She repeated herself a lot and once mentioned that her garden tractor that succumbed under the tree needed to be replaced, but that she gave her daughter permission to spend money on a new one. Her daughter, she told me, was in charge of Carolyn's finances. A good idea I would say. Her mind is slipping some, but she is a happy person, trusting in God to meet her needs.

When we came around the loop past the pond, she seemed a little confused as to my house's location. I told her I would be going straight, but she should turn left and head back to her leaf raking and bagging. I watched until she was halfway down the block towards her home. I could hear her faintly humming a song, a hymn I think. God please watch over and protect the vulnerable I prayed. She had been lonely and put herself out there for human contact. I gladly reciprocated.

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