Saturday, August 4, 2018

Warsaw First Friday

The first Friday of every month (except January) downtown Warsaw Indiana has a special event on the streets around the courthouse (or at nearby Central Park in December amid the Christmas decorations). The August event was a classic car show.

From well-known cars like corvettes and camaros to rarer models, there were over 100 cars in the show.

I'm not sure I've seen a Kaiser before. Interesting futuristic hood ornament.

I don't remember what the sign said this midget was.

There were some vintage early autos as well.

It looked like it would be such fun to hop into this car and take a ride through the country, the wind blowing across your face and in your hair.

Seeing the carburetor and air filter brought back memories of Big Bear where because of the high altitude thin air, we had to poke a stick in so the choke could get enough oxygen for the engine to start.
Most of the cars had signs asking browsers not to touch the car, but only one crude and rude sign. Seems to me if you didn't have clothes on you would leave more prints and smears, but I didn't give it a test run.
There were trucks and motor bikes and motorcycles besides cars.

Don't want the paperwork to blow away from your bike, do you?
You could see how autos have evolved thru the years; this hood seems to have gone extinct though. Maybe because not much room for anything or for anyone to reach parts.
At the same time as First Friday, there was a family festival going on over at Central Park. Lots of bounce houses and a big wheel race for the kids.
Glad it was last night and not tonight. Almost 90 outside and muggy this evening.

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