Saturday, August 25, 2018

Costco Newbie

My husband and I went to Costco in Fort Wayne today. It is the closest store to us, about 45-50 minutes away. He was to have his hearing tested. His sister also went with us and had her hearing tested. We traveled in a lot of rain this morning, but it turned into a mist around 11 a.m., then stopped by noon. 

Though the test showed my husband's hearing has deteriorated some more, the audiologist was not pushy at all. He did recommend a different kind of plastic tip for hubby's current aids. We also bought a little drier/sanitizer box to keep the aids in good working order. For now, he will continue with the audiologist in Warsaw.

While they were engaged at the hearing center, I went to Kohl's. Then when I returned to Costco, I started shopping. I didn't take the insulated bag and blue ice packs with me this time as we would be eating lunch after the tests. I had been reading what products and buys were recommended for Costco members.

I bought a huge 170-oz. Downy container; my plan is to transfer from this big container to my current small container. That way I won't be trying to pour out of a heavy container most of the time.

I was pleased at the croissants in the bakery area. 12 croissants for less than a dollar more than what I had been paying for 4 at my local grocery store. I froze most of them; we will see how they hold up once frozen and thawed. They had the most enticing aroma when I took them from the plastic case.

 I am going to try Kirkland dishwasher pods. I bought ink for my Canon printer at a good price though it is packaged 2 black, 1 color cartridge. 152 gallon-sized Ziploc gallon freezer bags. Instant oatmeal. I ventured into a few unknowns: some Meyer lemon cookies; St. Elmo seasoning; some black leggings by Hue. 

I wanted to buy a big mum in a pot, but decided that with 3 of us in the car, there really wasn't enough room for it. I need to return to Fort Wayne around the middle of September. I will stop at Costco before heading home, stocking up on a few frozen products, and if they still have them, I will buy a mum. I spent plenty of money today, but I think I have "gained back" about half of my membership fee with the price savings. Too bad there isn't a closer store as I think we would use the gas station.

Everybody was helpful to this newbie with negotiating the checkout, etc. So far, a good experience.

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