Sunday, September 29, 2013

My Newest Footware

I am proof that garage/yard sales can be injurious to not only your budget but your body. Way back on June 21st I injured my foot. I was getting ready to purchase my items from a yard sale when I realized that there were more items in the screened-in porch. As I asked the lady to set my intended purchases aside for me, a man dropped a heavy piece of equipment (lawn edger?) on the bottom step and wandered off to the side yard with its tables of wares. I didn’t want to lift a heavy item but I also didn’t want to wait for him to return. I turned my body sideways to the flight of steps, lifted my right leg in a somewhat awkward position to step over the obstacle and onto the second step. As soon as my right foot touched the second step there was a terrible pain. I purchased my items and limped back to my car. I limped for the next 2-3 days (though I didn’t do much walking). The pain finally became a dull ache. The problem is that it never went away and occasionally there would be a slight stabbing pain on the side of my foot when I moved it certain ways.

 My foot really ached after walking the hills and steps of Old Quebec. When I arrived home, I called my doctor’s office, but the soonest I could get in was September 23rd. My internet reading makes me wonder if I have a fracture of the 5th metatarsal, but nothing showed up on the x-rays, but x-rays of the foot are often not very good for diagnosing problems. I am wearing a post-op shoe to immobilize and support the foot some. If that doesn’t help in 3-4 weeks, I will be referred to an orthopedist.


The strange thing is that my foot had no discoloration and minimal swelling. Most acute injuries do have bruising. Still, my foot is not “normal”, and I cannot do walking for exercise purposes without pain. Beware the dangers of yard sales.




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