Saturday, July 27, 2024

Today's Winona Lake Farmers Market

With such a beautiful morning it was nice to visit the Winona Lake Farmers Market. I bought a bouquet of colorful flowers. The seller now is selling them for $2 less than previously. Maybe because now there are a lot of flowers in bloom?

The booth that had zucchini last time I was there had only one fat bulbous zuke left. Instead I bought 2 zucchini from an Amish farmer I don't remember seeing before. His vegetables were organic. The zucchini squash has a green knob but is mostly yellow.

The size and shape was more to my liking. He had large red tomatoes; maybe next time I go I will see more small tomatoes for sell.

My husband suggested with such mild non-humid weather that we should dine at a restaurant with outside seating for lunch. We went to Arriero's on Center Lake.

Though there isn't much beach and this is not the ocean, there were seagulls. We used to have seagulls covering part of the parking lot at KMart; I guess they are not picky as long as there is a source of food.

I am ready to take my chocolate chip cookie to my porch as I browse the newspaper.

I do want to watch the Olympics on TV at 2:30 for the women's swim events. 

I now have my Lenovo laptop in its "home spot". I sold a bureau of 3 drawers at the garage sale to make room. My husband made the cart.

I had not been using the laptop much, and then I spent 5 days in the hospital. I had to reacquaint myself with Windows 11. At first, I couldn't remember where the start/restart button was. Of course, I am still using our pc with Windows 10 so that setup was stuck in my head. I spent about 30 minutes on the Lenovo last week. I need to get in the habit of using it again.

July is drawing to a close. I am glad we are having some decent weather. Next week rain and humidity and temps around 90.

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