Thursday, July 25, 2024

Clark's Sandals


Although my Trotter's black sandals will last through this summer, I was not sure about next year. I found a pair of sandals on sale at Zappos.

 I have worn Clark's shoes previously though not sandals. The good thing about Zappos is that you get free shipping and free returns. However, these fit fine.

 My current sandals have velcro across the front cross strap. I searched for Clark's sandals with velcro and found these. The velcro was especially helpful for the top cross strap as it felt a little snug. I loosened it a bit. Pretty good arch support in these shoes, too. Today was my first day to wear them. They are comfortable.

Give Zappos a try if you are searching for certain features. It beats walking around malls and shoe stores (which I can't do right now because of back pain).

I really like these sandals and will probably wear them quite a bit the next few months even though I was planning ahead for next summer.

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