Saturday, May 15, 2021

Things Little and Not So Little

In 9 years and over 600 blog posts, I have never received the message I received today. Somebody reported my August 2012 post on Home as needing review for possible deletion. The email said the post had been under review and was deemed that it did not violate the terms of use and could be reinstated. There was a link to the terms which I did look at as advised. I do not post violent, sexually-oriented, racist or fraudulent material. 

This post was mostly about Indiana Glass Company and its home-party products, one of which I bought at an antique store. I had a link to information about the company as well as photos of my little blue glass basket. The Blogger email also had a link to the post which when I clicked on it took me to the Home post which said it could not be displayed. On my old computer I had a Windows Live Writer folder and could have looked at the post I put on my blog; alas, the new computer does not have that folder. 

I was considering whether it was worth the effort to go to the external hard drive to see if I could find the original post when I received a second email from Blogger telling me the post had been deleted. Not using a link but going directly to my blog, I found the post still existed but as a draft. I published it. So far, it looks normal. Over 260 people have viewed this post. Why did somebody after all this time report it for review? Were they just being mean? I am clueless. I have had people attach ads to beach property, etc. in the responses to my posts; I had one in an alphabet I did not recognize. I deleted the responses. I have never had anybody complain about inappropriate material. 

I have been feeling emotional and on the edge of tears the past few days. Wednesday I learned that one of my neighbors had died Tuesday night. I talked with her from time to time when we met while walking thru the neighborhood, but I was not close to her. I knew she was having trouble walking and had fallen several times in her home. She was diagnosed with a benign brain tumor. Her surgery did not go well. She had excessive bleeding in her brain. In the two weeks post-op in the hospital she could not swallow and was on a feeding tube which meant she could not transfer to the special rehabilitation facility in the Indy area where her cousin lives. She did go to Carmel to a nursing home with the expectation that she would get off the feeding tube. She was not really responsive to the people who visited her in Fort Wayne before the transfer. God knew he was going to use this medical event to take her home to heaven; we did not expect it.

I think it affected me because though I will not have brain surgery May 26th, the surgeon will be working in close proximity to the spinal cord. I keep reminding myself that God is in control. He knew about the mushy bone found in the surgery in December which is why I am having a second surgery. I need to entrust the outcome to Him. I am His lamb and He will provide for me.

A small evidence of God's caring took place yesterday. I noticed that my housecoat/robe had stains running down the whole left side. I don't remember any incidents to cause this. After washing it with Tide Ultrastain Remover detergent and then a second time after applying a stain stick, the stains remained. I felt ugly in this now-unattractive item. I decided I would replace it after my surgery because I didn't have time to do it now. Last night while looking on the internet news, an advertising grid appeared from Macy's. One of the items in the grid was a seersucker housecoat similar to the one I own except on sale for half-price and with free shipping. I hesitated because I will be gone a few days next week and didn't want a package being left on my front porch when nobody was home. The sale ended today though. I made the online purchase. I will use the stained robe while I recuperate since there is the possibility of blood stains. The new robe will be waiting for me as a beacon of hope.

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