Monday, April 11, 2016

False Accusation?


You may remember that the past two years I have been putting netting around my crocus flower bed. I did this because I thought the deer were eating the plants. Now I am not so sure. I took the netting off April 3rd because it looked like there were no more blooms coming. Monday and Tuesday morning everything looked normal. Wednesday morning, 3 plants nibbled down to nubbins. Thursday morning, 3 more plants eaten. Friday morning, all of the plants chewed almost to the ground.

This morning I saw a big fat rabbit (maybe pregnant rabbit?) chewing grass near the flower bed. Aha! Though I didn’t catch it in the act, I believe I have found the culprit. I haven’t seen any deer in the neighborhood for a month maybe. Of course they may be around at night. However, I think the crocus destroyer is probably the rabbit. Naughty bunny! Looks like next year, the netting will go up again.

1 comment:

  1. Saw a rabbit eating the stubs of the crocus plants this evening. Yes, the accusing finger points at rabbits, not deer.
    That doesn't change my strategy of netting the plants.
