Thursday, April 19, 2012


Our retirement community library received over 100 large-print books from a lady who now has to use recorded books for her “reading” pleasure and can no longer peruse her books. Since the residents have been asking for more large-print books, God abundantly supplied. They anxiously hovered over the book truck of new acquisitions eager to read these gifts.

However, there was a problem. The existing large-print collection consisted of 3 shelves at the end of the regular-print books. There wasn’t room for even 6 more books, let alone 120. To make room, we had to aggressively weed the regular books, then shift over 2,000 volumes to free up an entire bookcase section. After labeling the new books, the Excel list of fiction (the only record of the inventory) needed to be edited, deleting the entries for the discarded books and typing in entries for the additions. Finally, after 2 very busy weeks, the treasured trove is being happily used.

I finished the whole project Wednesday morning. Wednesday afternoon we received 54 Christian paperbacks from the estate of a condo resident who died in February. I am taking the rest of this week off, but it looks like this blog will be neglected some more in the coming weeks. But at least the books will be read; the blog remains unread. I am too timid to let anybody know it even exists.

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