Friday, April 20, 2012

A Choice Morsel

When I walked down the block to the garage sale, I had a specific book in mind. The items being sold belonged to the man who married me almost 35 years ago. He and his wife had died within a month of each other and now some friends were holding this sale to help the surviving children who lived in other states empty out their parents’ residence.
Last September once we were settled in our new home, my husband and I made this same walk to visit with this couple we had not seen in 24 years. We took an album of candid photos taken at our wedding reception where she is reaching to take a nut from his plate while he obliviously is looking elsewhere. The topic of conversation turned to books (naturally). He mentioned that he had recently read a book which had made a deep impression on him, more than any other book in recent years. That book was The 3 Princes by Tom Julien, a retired missionary from France. I had hoped that book would be at the sale, but though there were lots of her books, his books had already been removed.
A little disappointed, I went home to change my clothes for a special lunch in honor of volunteers at my retirement community. As I was dressing, the phone rang. One of the maintenance/administrative staffmen wanted to donate a book to the library. Yes, it was the 3 Princes. The desired item dropped into my “bowl” by a loving God.

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