Wednesday, May 16, 2018

A Good Day After All

I was sort of dreading this day, but God showered His goodness upon me.

My cheddar pinks are opening now. The plant has grown and spread out quite a bit in the past couple of years. Originally I had 4 plants, but all but this one died over several winters. I hope it eventually takes over the whole front portion of the plot. The portulaca also keeps putting out blooms. 
I announced the committee members at Winona Literary Club this afternoon; no hostess committee so no luncheon next year. But after the meeting a member who had been on a mission trip in April when I asked for a volunteer said she would chair the hostess committee. I already had somebody who said she would serve if there was a chair. An answer to prayer. I do have two slots to fill for the meeting hostesses.

Also, I announced the dues would stay the same next year, but we might have to reassess that in the spring since we are now being charged a monthly bank fee. My new treasurer, bless her heart, had taken it upon herself to talk to a different bank which agreed to service our small account for free. All last year, people were encouraging the current treasurer and the president to find a new bank. 

The Literary Committee lady showed up today, and she said she would still serve but she didn't know the people well enough to ask. I gave her a list of ladies who had given book reviews in the past or were avid readers. That is a big burden off of my shoulders.

I am actually happily looking forward to next club year.

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