Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Transition Time

We are having beautiful weather; expect rain tomorrow though. There are hints of autumn. The tree I can see from my west windows has quite a bit of color. It is always the first tree in our neighborhood to change.
But the maple tree behind my house also has some colored leaves.

In the six years that I have lived in this condo, I have never seen so many pinecones on the trees. Maybe because they received so much water in the spring and early summer?

These white pines are maturing so possibly that also means more cones. However, the towering tree in the adjacent yard is much older and it too is loaded with pinecones this year.

An internet search seems to indicate there is no correlation between prolific cones and a harsh winter.

We have a reservation on Hilton Head Island this winter. I am trying to find information on damage on the island. It appears the surge did flood some of the south end. Our rental condo is on an upper story so I doubt there would be flooding, but if lower units are having repair it would be noisy and unpleasant. The evacuation notice was just ended this morning. Also, Savannah and Charleston which we would visit on day trips have flooding. I have until September 28th to cancel and get my whole deposit back. Maybe more news will be coming out now that the evacuation has ended. The owners live in Ohio and won't know until their cleaning service inspects the unit what condition things are in.

My bad luck continues with growing plants. The coreopsis died, but a large "weed" seemed to be growing where I had planted them. I have now decided it is a sunflower plant.
It probably won't have time to develop seeds before first freeze. Yesterday when I looked out the window, the branching stalks had been chewed off, most of the leaves on the ground. I remind myself of Jonah griping about the death of the vine that sprung up on its own. I didn't plant it, and God can do whatever He wants with it. I had some weeds I was going to pull later this week; they are also chewed off.
When I went out to investigate, I realized I had a lone moss rose blooming against the wall. I couldn't see it through the window.

Our bird feeder sunflower seeds must have blown over to my neighbors earlier. She doesn't do anything with her small plot, but now she has blooming sunflowers.

Saturday I bought sweet corn and small tomatoes at the Farmers' Market. However, apples and cider are starting to appear. I keep changing blankets from light to medium weight. I put out a few fall decorations in my house yesterday.

I feel unmotivated to do extra chores. My assistant in the library has gone to help with her new twin grandchildren until October. I am shelving the books, but not much else.

I feel sad. Several friends and associates have died within the past few weeks. My cousin in California did not come through her surgery well and is on hospice. I see photos of Saint Thomas which was the lushest and greenest port we visited on our winter cruise, and it is unrecognizable. We have heard from Florida family members and they are fine though our nephew's family has no electricity. We have Robin Hood neighbors that lived previously in Naples, Florida or had winter homes on Marco Island and can't get hold of their friends. So much suffering. The "bowl" is full of the hard, gristly things.

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