About a decade ago, I did one of the exercises in The Right to Write by Julia Cameron to make a list of things that I loved. The idea was to regularly peruse it to relax me and put me in a positive mood for writing. I have not edited nor updated this list through the years, yet I find most of the items on the list still are things that lift my spirits and remind me of the good blessings in my life.
Try making your own list. Mine is in a composition book where I made notes from the books I read about writing and did the suggested exercises. I am not doing much writing now, but I still re-read the list fairly often to boost my mood. It is not a comprehensive list. I could add colorful sunsets, sound of wind in pine trees, et cetera. Maybe someday I will make a second list. For now, I am content with what I have.
I am mostly a homebody with simple tastes. Your list might reflect an interest in fashion/jewelry or attending entertainment venues or participating in active sports like zip-lining which are not part of my list. How many items on your list overlap mine?
With the exception of the first 5 items, these are not listed in any order of priority, just randomly noted as they came to mind.
Jesus--being a child of God--my husband--my two sisters--my home (condo)--pools of lamplight--sunny warm autumn days with cool nights--creme brulee--order, neatness--rain on the roof as I am dry and sheltered inside--cozy sweater--Skecher shoes--folders of decorating pictures--a good bargain--photos on computer--chili with cornbread--sleeping in my own bed--reading favorite blogs--butternut squash soup--zucchini bread--Indiana/Michigan blueberries--Lindt dark chocolate truffle--Tex/Mex food--farmers' market small tomatoes and corn on cob--reading newspapers--embroidered clothes--restaurant meals (eating out)--changing color of leaves in fall--good fiction book--hot chocolate--CD of hymns or easy listening music--rocking/gliding motion--sitting on front porch--beachcombing--meeting needs in retirement library--gratitude journaling--smelling roses--bouquet of flowers--wildflowers--watching birds at feeder--lighted Christmas tree--Willow Tree nativity--eating some meals in the sunroom--singing in choir--chocolate--freedoms living in the U.S.--wooden items made by my husband--hug and a kiss--electric blanket in winter--mementos in miniature box--being solvent--wedding ring set--walking in the woods--mountains--Big Bear--Swarovski crystal bear--cross-stitch of blue and white jug with tulips--padded hangers--crisp apple--apple cider--warm shower--people being nice/kind--crossword puzzles--jigsaw puzzles--ice cream cone on vacation--melty chocolate chip cookies--dining room set--knitted dish cloths--air conditioning--TLC when I am sick.
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