Friday, March 23, 2012

Why Blog?

Blogging has beckoned to me but I have to ask myself why enter that realm. I have kept a journal for about 8 years. Why not just continue with that mode of expression? Writing helps me to clarify my thoughts and to process ideas. The journals are also a good tool for looking back at my feelings and what I deemed important at the time. A record of God’s working in my life or perhaps more honestly how I have been slow to recognize or even resisted His efforts.

One benefit of blog writing might be a sharpening of my writing skills. My journal ramblings are unedited. They are written for an audience of one. What audience would want to read my blog entries? That’s the key question I suppose.

I have a handful of blogs that I have followed the past few years. They appeal to me on different levels: one for its nature photography; another for simple living and financial advice; one for its suggestions to live a happier life; one because it belongs to a friend at church and it is a good way to see where he has traveled and times spent with family; and one because of the writer’s incredible gift of verbal expression and her challenges to live closer to God.

What unique voice can I offer? Who would want to read my musings?
Luci Shaw in her The Crime of Living Cautiously creates the image of her journal and camera being collection jars analogous to mason jars in which children catch fireflies. They are tools to capture our fleeting moments and thoughts. My blog could be a different collection jar than the journal, one more public. If nothing else, it represents getting out of my comfort zone, taking a risk, although slight.

Why do people blog? For gain? For fame? To receive feedback? To benefit others? Or simply to capture thoughts and images? Only the last two reasons appeal to me, and I seriously doubt much of what I have to share will resonate with a broad audience.

But just as the empty bowl fills when humbly lifted up, this collection jar will only fill if I write and post. Time to “fill ‘er up”.

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