Sunday, December 30, 2018

Operation Christmas Child Box Destination

Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child in the past sent an email telling the destination of one's box if one paid for the shipping online and thus had a tracking barcode.

This year I had to go to the website and find the tracking tool and input my email address. I was surprised to see it showed the destinations of several years' boxes, not just this year's box. Last year the box went to Mexico. I knew that already.

This year my box went to a "Hard-to-Reach" country; I will not know the specific country because the people sharing the Gospel might be tracked down and persecuted. The governments of such countries do not condone evangelization and the spread of Christianity. It did share some stories of the effectiveness of the boxes in these types of countries which warmed my heart. I sent a box for an older girl in the hopes that as she is married and starts her family in a few years, she will have become a Christian through this ministry and thus have influence on future generations.

My first year putting together a box I was sort of begrudging the time and money spent, but now I embrace this ministry as a way to have a part in the growth of the Body of Christ. 

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Frosty Morning

We had a slight chance for snow or rain and snow mixed for Christmas Day, but it mostly was just overcast. This morning we have lovely sunshine but frost on the trees and roof tops.

I hope my little winter aconite tubers are sleeping well and will be ready to pop through the soil by March to give me some bright yellow blooms.

My husband's two sisters and one b-i-l came to our house for noon Christmas dinner. I had purchased a BOGO deal on pork tenderloin awhile back and froze them. I served them with an orange sauce and green-bean casserole and wild rice. One sister brought a fruit salad; one sister brought a cherry pie and a pumpkin pie. We ate off of the fancy china.

Last Saturday my husband and I went to the Cow Shed in Nappanee because we hadn't seen a jigsaw puzzle to our liking locally. The farmyard scene was a great hit on Christmas Day and at 750 pieces we actually managed to finish it in the one day. 

This morning I went to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles to renew my driver's license. The state of Indiana allows you to renew up to 6 months early. I had planned to renew before Thanksgiving but of course that didn't work out. I brought in all of the documentation for the Real-ID verified license that will be required for airplane travel in 2020. The new license should arrive in 2 weeks, well before my cruise to Panama and adjacent areas. The photo on the receipt looks a tad better than my new passport photo, but both are unflattering. It would help if they let you smile for the photo. I guess I really am that old lady in the photos. 

We have my husband's December 31st birthday to celebrate and then New Year's Day. We pray that 2019 will be a more merciful year for us. 

Saturday, December 8, 2018

In Mourning

We received word this morning that my husband's brother in Wisconsin died. He was in the hospital with post-surgery complications, but his death was unexpected. We have heavy hearts. 

Heaven is crowding up with our loved ones. 

Sunday, December 2, 2018

A Little Lamb Goes Home

My mom, 94-years-old, died November 20th. I arrived home late last night after being in California for the funeral and to help clear out her assisted-living apartment.

She is now with Jesus in heaven reunited with loved ones and friends. Her funeral was November 29th at Rose Hills in Whittier. 

It will be a somber December as we mourn her absence at Christmas and remember her on December 19th, what would have been her 95th birthday.